Youth group keen to work for society

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

GUWAHATI, May 22 - �Stars of the North East� � a group of young boys and girls who recorded exceptional achievements in the fields of academics, sports, social service and corporate administration, today met at the Unity Education Foundation here on Sunday to explore the possibilities of an initiative for rendering useful service to society.

The �Stars of North East� group was formed in January 2015 with the aim of unearthing, showcasing and mentoring talents in various fields. Young professionals, students, representatives of NGOs and members of civil society joined hands for this noble objective and so far, 15 young boys and girls who recorded exceptional achievements in various fields have been honoured with the �Star of the North East� award by this group.

Realising the need of combined synergy of the group for social uplift, the core group felt the need for an initiative in this direction. Nurul Islam Laskar, chief adviser, Public Relations Society of India (PRSI), Guwahati Chapter, spoke about the pioneering work done by Young Mizo Association (YMA) for the Mizo society and said that this could be a role model for such work for the benefit and welfare of society.

Earlier, welcoming the group to their premises, AS Tapader, chairperson, Unity Education Foundation (UEF), spoke briefly about the various socially beneficial activities undertaken by the Foundation. He expressed the hope that there will be many common avenues for the Foundation and the Star of the North East to work together. He further announced that the UEF is sponsoring a national seminar on �Gender sensitisation and women empowerment: issues and challenges� in Guwahati College on June 25 and 26 next and requested the members in the audience to attend the same, said a statement.

Dr Ferdous Ahmed Barbhuiya, digital and social media expert, proposed that the group should be active on the social media and offered his services to launch the Facebook page, Twitter handle and the website of the group in a phased manner. The group further decided to encourage students and young professionals in the arena of citizen journalism, social work and empowerment of marginalised sections of society.

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