Williamnagar rally condemns blast

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

TURA, Jan 12 - People in large numbers today took out a rally at Williamnagar in protest against the bomb blast that took place last Saturday causing injuries to 9 persons, some critically.

The rally, led by the NGOs of the town, including GSU, FAF, AIGU, Mother�s Federation, AAYF, etc., urged the State Government to take the demands of the people seriously.

The entire town got together in the rally, which moved through the town calling for peace and abjuring violence. The rally started at the Rongrengre School.

�What happened should not have happened and the town of Williamnagar as well as the whole Garo Hills region cannot take any more of this. There are too many loopholes within the system that need to be plugged before all of us can feel safe,� said Rockyfiller M Sangma, president of the GSU EGH Zone.

The rally echoed the demands of the trading community, which sought strengthening of security around the town.

They also demanded installation of CCTVs across the town.

�The Government has neglected our security for far too long and we want them to take things seriously now onwards. We cannot be the sacrificial goats every time,� added Rocky.

The rally also demanded that medical expenses of those injured in the recent blasts be taken care of by the State and compensation paid to the victims as early as possible.

�� We would like to ask all concerned to stop targeting civilians for whatever the cause may be,� added Zikku BN Marak, president of the GSU CEC (interim body).

The rally was also attended by GHSMC chairman Nikman Marak along with social activist Roger Benny A Sangma.

Meanwhile, Social Welfare Minister and local MLA Deborah C Marak paid a visit to the victims of the Williamnagar blast in the Tura Civil Hospital today and assured all support that she could to those in crisis.

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