Want people�s love in last fight: Gogoi

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

GUWAHATI, March 17 - Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi today said the ensuing Assembly polls will be his last, for which he is seeking the people�s �love and affection.�

�This is my last election and I hope to get the people�s love and affection. I appeal to the people to be considerate towards me for one last occasion,� he said at a press meet.

Gogoi said he was never a perfect politician, but he was one who strove to address the State�s and the people�s problems sincerely. �Not that everything I did was correct, but I was sincere about what I did, keeping in mind the people�s interests. I was never vindictive either - towards any person, including my political rivals and my critics. I faced criticism and I also replied back. That�s something normal, but I was never malicious,� he said.

On selection of candidates, Gogoi said the list was based on the candidate�s winning chances. �Moreover, our selection shows that the Congress has come out with the most representative list, as it has women, youths, tea-tribe members, and tribal and minority candidates,� he said.

Predicting a good show by the Congress, he said his party is a united house and a party with a lot of flexibility. �The BJP is hell-bent on polarising people for their narrow political gains, but they cannot fool the people all the time, and ours is a tolerant society,� he said.

Gogoi added that the �peace and progress� attained by the State in the past 15 years would be the Congress� main poll plank. �No matter what the BJP says, people have seen for themselves our achievements, especially on the law-and-order and economic fronts,� he said.

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