Voters cross river on banana raft to reach polling station

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

PATACHARKUCHI, April 23 - In the third phase of Lok Sabha elections, a section of voters of Patacharkuchi LAC under Barpeta HPC had the adventurous experience of exercising their franchise by crossing the Kaldia river with the help of a banana raft.

Most of the voters who live on the opposite side of 171 Barnalikuchi LP School polling station had no other option but to come to the polling station directly except walking a long distance or crossing the river in a risky way with the help of a banana raft. Most of the elderly voters found it impossible to come to the station to exercise their franchise.

A section of youths of the locality made a raft with the help of banana trees and helped many voters cross the river by pulling it with the help of long rope. Though the journey was a risky one, the youth carefully did this job the voters from morning to evening. The people informed that they have felt the need for a foot bridge over Kaldia since a long time back. They also demanded the authority to construct the foot bridge to improve communication of the locality. �Today, we helped around 300 voters to register their democratic right,� said one youth proudly.

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