US backs India�s bid to join NSG

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

WASHINGTON, June 7 - Backing India�s bid to join the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), the US has said that by becoming the member of the elite grouping the country would be in a stronger position to be a �good citizen� on proliferation- related issues. �Having gone down the path of the civil nuclear agreement with India, and having invested a significant amount of time in building up our cooperation with India as it relates to nuclear security,� Deputy National Security Advisor Benjamin Rhodes told a Washington audience.

Rhodes remarks on India came in response to a question about why some countries like China are opposing India�s membership in the 48-member NSG.

�..I think the bottom line for us is that we believe that through engagement with India and through engagement with groups like the NSG, we are in a better position to support India as a good citizen on these issues,� Rhodes said.

He said that the US believed that engaging India and trying to bring it into international processes will be more effective in promoting the country�s security protocols.

�And frankly, it takes place against continued conversations that we have with India about their approach to nuclear weapons; and of course, the support that we�ve always expressed for diplomatic efforts between India and Pakistan,� Rhodes said in response to a question at an event organised by the Arms Control Association.

Based in Washington, Arms Control

Association is a think-tank that had opposed India-US civil nuclear deal and is now opposing India�s membership to the NSG.

Rhodes remarks on India came in response to a question on India about why some countries are opposing India�s membership to the NSG.

�So, I think the bottom line for us is that we believe that through engagement with India and through engagement with groups like the NSG, we are in a better position to support India as a good citizen on these issues going forward,� Rhodes said. � PTI

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