UPPL demands probe into �corruption� during BPF rule

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

KOKRAJHAR, July 24 - The UPPL party leadership today expressed deep concern over the massive devastation due to floods in the region and urged the Governor to ensure adequate relief and proper rehabilitation for the flood-affected people of the BTAD.

Talking to mediapersons here at the UPPL central office, Wilson Hasda, spokesperson of UPPL said that floods has caused destruction of homes, crops, livestock, erosion of land, infrastructure and loss of human lives. At the same time, Covid-19 positive cases are also on the rise, especially in the midst of floods, which is a major cause of concern.

Hasda, while addressing the press conference said, �we have seen a laughable press bite by Chandi Basumatary, BPF candidate of Goibari constituency, saying that the UPPL president Pramod Boro was involved in collecting money from various developmental projects. However, we would like to say that it is a utter lie, baseless and his words stems from a state of frustration and fear of imminent defeat. We challenge him to prove his allegation and if he is not able to do so, we may have to take legal action against him�, he said.

Further he said, �We would like to reiterate the demand for proper inquiry into corruption cases in MGREGA schemes for the fiscal years 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 involving a figure of more than Rs 510 crore. These public funds have been allocated out of the taxes from the citizens of the nation to improve the lives of the daily wage earners, landless, rural poor, widows and so on. Thus, people involved in such crimes of snatching away the poor people�s livelihood do a great disservice. Moreover, our earlier demand for inquiry into the more than Rs 1000 crore alleged corruption in various departments of BTC under BPF rule is also pending. Hence, we have appealed to the Governor of Assam to expedite the process of proper investigation and take stringent action against the people involved in such a daylight loot of public money, providing justice to 3.2 million people of this region�, he added.

Hasda also demanded dissolution of the Municipal Boards and Town Committees formed by BPF during their regime �All the municipal board and town committees are manned by BPF leaders who were nominated during their regime. As the tenure of the government itself has expired, the tenure of all these urban bodies should also expire, else it will provide an undue advantage to the ruling party, denting the fairness of the forthcoming election. In addition, these nominated urban bodies are hand-in-glove in the rampant corruption of Hagrama Mohilary-led BPF party. Hence, we request the Assam Governor, Prof Jagdish Mukhi to dissolve all these urban bodies as soon as possible, thereby facilitating free and fair elections,� he said.

The press conference was also attended by several central-level leaders of the United People�s Party.

UPPL candidate passes away: Bodo politician, veteran ABSU worker and UPPL leader Hitesh Kr Machahary passed away recently after prolonged illness. He was 58.

Machahary was ill since a very long time and was suffering from multiple ailments. He took his last breath at a private hospital at Guwahati.

He was one of the candidates for the ensuing BTC election 2020, from 12 Salakati BTC constituency, nominated by the UPPL party. ABSU, UPPL and several other organisations have expressed grief over his demise.

He leaves behind his wife, two sons and a daughter.

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