�Unemployment, low levels of education major issues before youths�

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

GUWAHATI, Oct 21 - �The major issues that posed before the youths of Assam include unemployment, limited opportunities for remunerative jobs, low levels of education and skills, and the quest for identity and dignity,� said educationist Prof Amar Jyoti Choudhury here today while launching the book titled �Future of Assamese Youths: Worries and Solutions�.

In his speech, Prof Choudhury, who is now running a book-reading movement across the State, asserted that the current education system leaves many young graduates unemployable, with no skill that prepare them for the competitive market they face after school.

�We need to make our youths ready for the future jobs, which would be created in next 5 to 10 years down the line. Employment landscape is changing swiftly, and new jobs are emerging with rapid disruption in the business models around the globe. Today�s job market and in-demand skills are hugely different from the ones of 10 or even 5 years ago and the pace of change is only set to accelerate,� he said.

According to Prof Choudhury, building a skilled system to match the new requirements, a system that responds well to business needs, while opening opportunities for all people is the need of the hour. Hence, it is pivotal for the Government of Assam to take up a detailed benchmarking and feasibility study to ascertain the current baseline of the skill-development sector in the state with an innovative approach.

The book is work of Keshav C Das and published by the North East Institute of Advanced Studies.

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