Students oppose Cotton College-CCSU merger

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT
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GUWAHATI, Jan 19 - Students of the city�s historic Cotton College today burnt a dummy copy of the report of the eight-member committee on the resolution of the controversial issues concerning the Cotton College State University (CCSU) and the centurion college. They alleged that the eight-member committee had surreptitiously recommended merger of Cotton College with the Cotton College State University, without consulting the faculty and staff members and the students of the college besides educationists and other stakeholders.

Cotton College should be allowed to retain its independent entity. The CCSU should be separated from the centurion college and the former should be provided a separate campus, the agitating students said.

�There is ample scope to doubt that with the proposed merger of the college with the CCSU, the higher secondary classes of the college would be withdrawn in a phased manner. The merger will also downgrade the appeal of the undergraduate classes of the college as they will not be getting much attention from the CCSU authorities. This will rob Cotton College of its glory, as it had happened in case of Presidency College, Calcutta (Kolkata) after it was upgraded to a university,� said Cotton College Union Society (CCUS) general secretary Jintu Thakuria.

The students of the college also asked the State Government not to prepare any draft bill to amend the Cotton College State University Act as per the recommendations of the eight-member committee.

A citizens� meeting has also been proposed to be held on January 24 at the Kalaguru Bishnuprasad Rava Auditorium of the College, as per the decision of the January 10 public meeting held on the issue. All alumni of the historic college, its ex-faculty and staff members, besides the present students and members of its faculty and staff have been invited to take part in the meeting.

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