Rongjeng unit of FKJGP gets new office-bearers

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

TURA, June 15 - The Rongjeng unit of the Federation of Khasi, Jaintia and Garo People (FKJGP) under the East Garo Hills on Thursday announced the selection of new office-bearers to lead the NGO here. The new office-bearers were chosen after a meeting held among members on June 9. The selection was approved of by the East Garo Hills circle of the FKJGP on June 13.

Arman G Marak will continue as the president, while Banang G Marak will take over as the vice president. Jaksrik N Sangma will be the new general secretary, who will be assisted by Jeningstone N Sangma as the joint secretary. The other office-bearers are organising secretary Grenath G Momin, finance secretary Tenesil Marak, RTI secretary Walter Sangma, environment secretary Ekward Sangma, education secretary Markush Sangma, games secretary Raju G Momin and art and culture secretary Bikkar Momin.

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