Road blockade by TE labourers over bonus

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

DOOMDOOMA, Sept 11 - Hundreds of labourers of Beesakopie and several other tea gardens of Doomdooma Circle under the banner of Bharatiya Chah Mazdoor Sangha (BCMS), the trade union wing of the ruling BJP blocked NH-37 at Uchamati of Doomdooma town from 12.00 pm to 1.30 pm today. The labourers were demanding 20% bonus in a single instalment.

The tea companies of Assam have been discussing about the wage and bonus settlement of the labourers with the Asom Chah Mazdoor Sangha (ACMS) , the trade union wing of the Congress since long. This time too, the tea companies signed the bonus settlement with ACMS. Accordingly, the tea companies like in the previous years agreed to pay 20% bonus to their labourers in two instalments.

But BCMS, which is the trade union wing of BJP has demanded 20% bonus in a single instalment. Consequently, a chaotic situation has been prevailing in some tea gardens here. A few days back, labourers of Raidang TE here registered their protest in the garden office over this same demand.

Today, the labourers at first gathered at the Doomdooma branch office of ACMS and registered their protest. They subsequently blocked NH-37 and dashed off a memorandum to the Chief Minister through the Circle Officer of Doomdooma Revenue Circle.

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