Rights body condemns political unrest in Bangladesh

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

SILCHAR, June 15 - In the wake of a series of attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh, the Citizens� Rights Preservation Committee (CRPC), Assam, has expressed its concern at the recent political unrest.

In a release issued to the media, Bidhayak Das Purakaystha, general secretary of the rights body, said, �The CRPC condemns the recent instances of attacks on Bengali Hindus and other minority communities in different forms such as killing, kidnapping, raping, forceful conversion of religion, burning and destroying of properties, temples, among others which has created total anarchy, fear and chaos not only among the people residing in different corners of Bangladesh but also for the peace-loving citizens of India.� He added that such instances on the Bangladeshi soil indicate the cleansing policy thereby converting Bangladesh into an Islamic country.

Through the release, leaders of CRPC, Assam, have appealed to the religious institutions and organisations like Ram Krishna Mission, Bharat Sevashram, Satsang Vihar, Gouriya Math, YMCA, Buddhist monasteries, etc., to pressurise the Central Government unanimously so that the Prime Minister and the External Affairs Minister of India take up the matter with their Bangladesh counterpart seriously to immediately stop the mass killing of innocent people in the name of religion.

The CRPC leaders have opined that already India has been facing serious threat of foreigners for a long time and if the process of migration of Bengali Hindus, Christians and Buddhists start towards India, it would be a messy affair for the Government of India to tackle the grim situation.

�We request the Government to take necessary steps to nip the situation in its bud,� the general secretary said. Further, the CRPC leaders have urged the neighbouring counties to stand united and support India to put diplomatic pressure on Bangladesh so that they are able to resolve the matter with a firm hand permanently.

The CRPC leaders have also appealed to the Asian Human Rights Commission and the UNO to look into the matter as it involves violation of human rights in its most severe form of the Bengali Hindus and other minority groups in Bangladesh.

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