Red Cross Hospital: A beacon of hope

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

GUWAHATI, July 10 - The Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS) is a neutral (non-political) autonomous, statutory, humanitarian organisation under the Indian Red Cross Society Act of 1920, which later on, became the Parliament Act XV of 1920.

With the President of India as the head at the national level, governors at the state level and the district commissioners at the district level, the IRCS follows the NIHA (Neutral Independent Humanitarian Action) approach. The IRCS is a part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement with an aim to prevent as well as lighten suffering without any distinction among its patients.

First established in 1965 as an institute of the Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS), the Red Cross Hospital at Chandmari has been a boon to expecting mothers and children in the region. At its roots, the institute is a maternity and childcare hospital dealing with the health of neo-natal aspects of childcare in pregnant mothers as well as children themselves. Equipped with 60 beds, the hospital has an army of about 80 student nurses, 10 sister tutors (BSc nurses), various matrons and sisters who are directly linked to the hospital and four doctors on call.

Diganta Bujarbaruah, General Secretary of the Indian Red Cross Society, Assam branch, said that the current nursing training programme � the ANM (Auxiliary Nursing Midwifery course) is of two-year duration, producing some of the best nurses in the country, and they have a hundred per cent absorption rate in terms of employment, whether in government or private hospitals. The Society is also trying to create awareness among the people by organising disaster management, first aid training and disaster risk reduction programmes through social activities like mock drills, while also carrying out rehabilitation programmes.

The hospital, with its various outreach programmes, is a much sought after maternity and childcare institute. Providing help without making differences among patients coming from a myriad of social and financial backgrounds, the Red Cross Hospital is a beacon of hope for the people.

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