PRISM distrusts inquiry commission

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

AIZAWL, March 13 - Aizawl-based corruption watchdog PRISM has voiced its distrust over the inquiry commission set up by Mizoram Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla to probe into labour fund misuse due to the fact that the one-man panel is to be headed by the CM�s brother-in-law.

Lal Thanhawla has appointed a retired IPS officer K Lalchhunga to probe into the alleged misappropriation of Rs 128 lakh of Mizoram Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board (MBOCWWB). Lalchhunga is the husband of CM�s wife Lal Riliani�s sister.

�Unless the appointment of the CM�s brother-in-law as an inquiry officer is revoked, we will move the Gauhati High Court,� Prism president Vanlalruata said here recently.

�Ever since Lal Thanhawla Government was formed in 2013, we have seen nepotism in the appointment of important posts. We have raised voices against such nepotism while the main opposition party remained silent. This case of misappropriation of public money is very sensitive to be dealt lightly,� he said, adding, �We will file a PIL in the Gauhati High Court unless the appointment is cancelled.�

The State Government has suspended two officials � former director of LE and IT Rotluanga and former Superintendent of Mizoram Youth Commission over the fund misuse. The fund had allegedly been illegally given as loan to officials.

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