NSCN (IM) not seeking solution within framework of Constitution

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

DIMAPUR, Dec 23 - The NSCN (IM) on Friday asserted that the Framework Agreement signed with the Government of India and declared on August 3, 2015 is fundamentally based on the unique history of the Naga people and coexistence through shared sovereignty between the two entities.

The NSCN (IM) assertion came following a report, �No lateral talks with militants, die fighting or surrender, says Deputy Security Advisor RN Ravi� in an Assam-based news portal on Wednesday.

In a release, the Ministry of Information and Publicity of the outfit said Ravi�s reported statement gives an impression as though the Indo-Naga political dialogue is seeking solution within the framework of the Indian Constitution or Union of India.

There is no foundational logic or basis in that approach after 20 plus years of political negotiations, the release said. It said the Indo-Naga peace talks have made considerable progress after years of deliberation following the ceasefire declaration in July 1997 with the Government of India officially acknowledging and recognising the �unique history and situations�.

�These are the core principles for bringing about final and lasting solution acceptable to both the parties,� the NSCN (IM) said. The outfit said it is required for both, to honour the moral principles already agreed to by both the parties.

It also said the political negotiation must not be reduced to seeking political gain of any parties. �It amounts to betrayal of the basic principles of the political negotiation and of the 3rd August Framework Agreement, 2015,� the release stated.

�Wisdom will prevent heartache and bring about honourable solution and permanent peace for both.�

The NSCN (IM) said deviating from the honourable �out of the box� approach towards a hard line position is clearly a deviation from the framework agreement, which is based on the mutual respect and recognition of the two entities as mentioned.

Stating that the Nagas have accepted the honourable way for the concerned parties, the outfit, however, accused the Government of India of �obviously� treading the path of �Machiavellianism�.

�It will be a conscious and deliberate betrayal of the Government of India�s position to seek solution without precondition at the highest political level, outside India in a third country and based on the officially recognised unique history and situation of the Nagas,� the release stated.

The NSCN (IM) further said the Government of India should have the courage and the boldness at this juncture for her larger security interest. �If lasting and honourable peace is what she desires she should not drive away the Nagas or those who seek peace,� it added.

�Both the parties have now left behind their classical position and have sought an honourable way out of the conflict. If this environment is not exploited by the Government of India then it amounts to deliberate departure from seeking peaceful solution through political negotiation,� it said. The NSCN (IM) also warned that �military solution� will surely lead to a fresh conflict that will cost dearly both.

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