NPF hits back at Congress

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

DIMAPUR, Nov 17 - Reacting to Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) charges of corruption against the NPF-led DAN Government in Nagaland, the NPF today said that the Congress which was rejected by the people in the State and at Centre over a series of corruption cases was trying to comeback through a media war.

�The citizens are not foolish to be swept away by the cheap propaganda unleashed by the Congress party, which was rejected thrice by the Naga masses in the Assembly elections,� the NPF media and press bureau said in a release.

The NPF also hit back at the NPCC saying that the �disfunctional party� talking about corruption of the DAN Government by seeking the companionship of the Governor was �something like a hapless drowning man trying to grip a tiny twig against the torrential currents of a mighty river�.

The release said the Council of Ministers were accountable to the House, and since there was not a single Congress MLA, the �Congress has no moral right to call the Government through media�.

On SSA teachers� salary, the NPF said the government will stick to its words and release the salaries by November end. However, it clarified that teachers employed under SSA were to be paid under the Centrally sponsored scheme and not from the State exchequer.

The NPF also said Nagaland Assembly was the forum of free expression and that the voice of the MLAs on the floor cannot be throttled by anyone. However, in the absence of opposition, the views of the MLAs were unanimous, it stated.

The NPF made its position clear that the ratification of GST Bill by Nagaland has no nexus to article 371A (1)(a) of the Constitution of India.

On holding of civic polls with women reservation, NPF said that the decision of the Nagaland Assembly to amend the Nagaland Municipal Act in 2006 to provide women reservation was unanimous. However, due to opposition from the tribal bodies, municipal elections with 33 per cent reservation for women could not be held. But State Government has decided to go ahead with women reservation and conduct the polls in accordance with the provisions of the State Act, NPF said.

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