NGO announces plan against ragging

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

GUWAHATI, July 28 - College Students Welfare Committee, an NGO, has announced a five-point anti-ragging package with a view to curbing the menace of ragging.

The announcement has come at a time when various educational institutions in the city are getting ready to start a new academic session.

For this, the organisation has decided to simultaneously request for an exclusive anti- ragging helpline number, appointment of a legal team, installation of anti-ragging complaint boxes in different areas, conduct of street plays, and placard-based awareness programmes.

The package basically consists of five different measures to deal with the problem. CSWC president Abhinav Borbora said, �Since ragging is an interaction between a powerful or numerically large group and isolated individuals, a comprehensive effort against the social evil has to be multi-pronged and not one dimensional.�

�The first few days of class are when the new students are exposed to incidents of ragging. Hence the timing of our package is quite precise,� Prerna Roy, a member of the NGO said.

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