Nagas safe under Framework Agreement: NSCN-IM

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

DIMAPUR, March 22 - NSCN-IM leadership have claimed that the present and future of the Nagas is now safe under the Framework Agreement which was signed between the Government of India and NSCN-IM on August 3, 2015.

Both NSCN/GPRN vice president �Gen� (retd) Kholi and NSCN-IM chief negotiator for Indo-Naga peace talks Th Muivah said this at the 38th Republic Day celebration of the Government of People�s Republic of Nagalim at Council Headquarters, Hebron yesterday.

Kholi in his message reminded the Nagas that the world �we live in today is not the destination we have set for� saying they must keep moving looking for the future. He touched upon the changing realpolitik of the State from traditional to modern and drove home the point that �change of our village-state to a nation-state under republic system becomes imperative.�

Kholi�s message, read out by a secretary, expressed concern over the mushrooming factions in Nagaland saying infighting among the Nagas magnify the problem. �NSCN is definitely for solution,� he asserted.

According to him, the agreement embraces all Nagas and their territories and cautioned that rejecting the issue-based agreement would pull back the Nagas decades behind others. Kholi maintained the future of Nagas was now safe under the agreement. Kholi also appealed for unity and reconciliation among the Nagas.

In his speech, ato kilonser (prime minister) of NSCN/GPRN Th Muivah said after years of negotiations, for the first time in history, the Government of India has recognised the unique history and sovereign rights of the Nagas. The path for Nagas future has been set through the signing of the Framework Agreement, he added.

He said the Government of India has recognised the integration of Nagas as the legitimate rights of the Nagas basing on Naga history. Muivah said, �We have agreed that integration should not be through military but democratic process and at the earliest.�

He lamented that though NSCN has achieved so much they were being opposed and asked where the Nagas were heading.

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