Meghalaya launches Mushroom Mission

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

SHILLONG, June 2 - Meghalaya Government has launched here today yet another Mission mode programme with budget allocation of Rs 62.37 crore.

The State Agriculture department, which has launched several mission mode programmes in the past six months, has launched the Meghalaya Mushroom Mission (MMM).

The Mission is a five year mission mode programme. Out of the total budget allocation, Rs 4 crore is earmarked for production and cultivation of Shiitake mushroom.

The main objective of the MMM is to increase mushroom production in the State from the current production of 27 metric tonnes per annum to 5,000 metric tonnes at the end of five years. Additional Chief Secretary KN Kumar, the brain behind these mission mode programmes, attended the launch recently together with the authorised representative of Yats Corporation Company (YCC) Ltd, Japan and other officials and farmers.

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