Meghalaya Govt adopts new method for bidding

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

SHILLONG, June 14 - The Meghalaya Government will adopt the Swiss challenge method for procurement.

The State Cabinet has recently approved a proposal to adopt this unique bidding method in the State.

�The Cabinet has approved the draft office memorandum presented by the Finance Department for adoption of the Swiss challenge method for procurement in Meghalaya,� Deputy Chief Minister Prestone Tynsong said.

The Union Government and States like Bihar, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh have adopted it for development of various sectors.

Under this method, anyone with a sound, practical and innovative idea to develop a public project can directly approach the government with a Detailed Project Report (DPR).

After the proposer initiates the bid, it is made public and another bidder can submit a better bid with suggestions that will improve the original proposal.

In case of the emergence of counter proposals, the proposer will have the option to make necessary changes and improve its proposal to match the counter bid, or pull out.

In case of Meghalaya the challenge will be a bit different. Here any �individual or any private agency or public undertaking can send proposals� with their ideas for a project along with a DPR. Tynsong said the challenge is about innovation and the proposer�s idea would be sent to the department concerned for assessment. If the department finds the idea attractive, then it would be forwarded to a committee headed by the Chief Secretary for approval.

After the Chief Secretary-led committee gives its nod, tender will be floated for bidding. The challenge will be to think out of the box and prepare a DPR showing its practical implementation and the perceived benefits it will bring to the community.

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