Major oil find in Jorhat basin: ONGC

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

GUWAHATI, March 10 - After three years of fruitless effort ONGC has got a major success in the Jorhat basin where it has struck oil in two locations and estimates say that the oil reserves in the area could be to the tune of 10 million metric tonnes.

The two wells, one each at Sufaiyam and Dayalpur near Merapani, are now producing around 50 tonnes of oil daily, thus taking the total daily production of Jorhat Asset from 350 tonnes to 400 tonnes. Production at the wells started about two months back.

�The discovery was made about four months back. A facility was immediately created and within two months production started. We have made a reserve accretion of 10 MMT in the area,� Ved Prakash Mahawar, director (onshore) of ONGC, said.

The reserves are said to be the biggest discovery in Assam after a gap of three years.

�We are bringing in a development plan to increase the production further,� Mahawar said.

Mahawar said the company would achieve the target set for the production in Assam in the year 2016-17. The target of production for 2016-17 for Assam Asset and Jorhat Asset collectively is 0.96 MMT. �We will achieve 100 per cent target this year. Till now 98 per cent target achieved,� Mahawar, who visited Sivasagar and Jorhat over the last few days, said.

In Tripura, where ONGC is producing natural gas, the company plans to take up its daily production from 45 lakh cubic metres (LCM) to 50 LCM.

�We have achieved success in two of our wells in Khobal-Dhalai area of Tripura. We are in the process of surveying the area again to know the exact potential. For this we are sending three rigs to the state. The drilling activities there would double now,� he said.

With regard to Arunachal Pradesh, Mahawar said: �We came to know that the state has reserves of gas but we need to undertake exploration.�

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