Jyotirupa drama fest concludes

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

GUWAHATI, March 2 - The eighth edition of the Singhapurush Radha Govinda Baruah Full-length Drama Festival, organised by leading cultural organisation Jyotirupa, concluded successfully at Rabindra Bhawan here recently.

The five-day drama festival that began on February 24, however, saw an abrupt end as on the concluding day of the event, Leela Nandlal Ki, a Hindi play directed by Ramji Bali of Delhi, could not be staged as the auditorium had to be vacated for an official function on that day, although the organisers had booked the venue well in advance.

During the first four days of the festival, five full-length dramas � four Assamese and one Hindi � were staged. They were Atmar Abiskar written and directed by Kishor Tahbildar, Premor Sito Pare written and directed by Tapan Deka, Gati Asom�s Khamos written and directed by Prabhat Goswami, Swapnakash written by Pulakita Barua and directed by Tapan Bikash and Hindi play Simla Coffee House written and directed by Rakesh Bedi of Mumbai.

Noted actor Dilip Hazarika inaugurated the drama festival on February 24 and lauded the efforts of Jyotirupa, a name to reckon with in the State as far as amateur theatre is concerned, for organising such a festival in the name of Radha Govinda Baruah, who is also considered the architect of modern Assam, to give a momentum to the drama movement in this part of the country.

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