Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

ITANAGAR, July 17 - For the benefit of untrained and unskilled employees and youth, Hydro Power Development Cooperation of Arunachal Pradesh Limited (HPDCAPL) and Power Sector Skill Council (PSSC) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the national Capital.

PSSC is the sector skill council established as per guidelines framed by National Skill Development Council (NSDC) for the power sector in India.

The MoU was signed considering the shortage of skilled and certified manpower in the power sector of the State.

The MoU was approved by Chief Minister Kalikho Pul which was executed by HPDCAPL Managing Director Toko Onuj and PSSC CEO Vinod Bihari recently, an official release said.

With the MoU, the HPDCAPL would be a nodal agency of skill development training of the power sector in the State including electricity, transmission, distribution and renewable energy and power equipment and manufacturing sector.

The general purpose of the MoU is to increase the skilled labour pool in power sector in order to achieve the goal. � PTI

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