Grooming and mentoring prog by ASTEC

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

GUWAHATI, July 23 - A six-day long grooming and mentoring programme of students was launched an July 16 at Dharapur HS School by the Assam Science Technology & Environment Council (ASTEC).

On the occasion, an inaugural function was held with Basanta Sarma, Principal i/c, Dharapur HS School in the chair. Tarun Ch Das and Dhaneswar Kalita, president and vice-president respectively of the SMDC, Dharapur HS School, Biman Baruah, Sr Scientific officer, ASTEC, Science faculty, BK Nath, Altaf Hussain Khander, District Coordinator, NCSC, Kamrup (R), Prof Utpal Sarmah, HoD, Instrumentation & USIC, Gauhati University, Senior Teacher Akhil Baishya spoke on the topic and asked the students to be science-oriented and practical. This was stated in a press release.

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