Griffon Club helps blind vegetable seller

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

SIVASAGAR, June 10 - Sunil Gogoi of Pator Dihingia gaon near Sivasagar lost his eyesight years ago when all his three daughters were in primary school. With his small plot of land rendered uncultivable due to waterlogging and expenditures on his long treatment, he and his family were pushed to the brink of starvation.

But Sunil and his wife Dipamoni were determined to eke out a living by selling vegetables on the outskirts of the town. Sunil pulls the cart and Dipamoni would show him the way everyday in the morning. They would go to far-off villages and return at dusk to their two-room house where their 10-year old daughter would wait for them.

Moved by their story of struggle, Griffon Club, Sivasagar on Tuesday morning, donated a new pull cart and an amount of cash, which was handed over to Sunil Gogoi and his wife by Bharati Saikia, president and Manoj Kumar Borthakur, executive president in the presence of Griffonians Mehdi Masood Ahmed, Imran Ullah, Sunil Singh and Galib Mirja, executive members of the club.

Dipamoni, wife of Sunil Gogoi narrated their woeful story before the mediamen with tears in eyes and said that their elder daughters eloped with their lovers to escape starvation even while they were under-aged and the youngest one is with them now to help them in their chores.

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