Graft charges against former RIMS officials

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

IMPHAL, April 12 - The Anti-Corruption Bureau of the Central Bureau of Investigation has filed corruption charges against two former directors of the Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Imphal. Lallukham Fimate, a former Director of RIMS, has been charged with buying a cancer detection machine from a foreign company at Rs 2.31 crore, while a similar machine is available for Rs 1 crore in India, the CBI has said.

Sinam Sekharjit, another former Director, was charged with buying dental chairs and accessories at inflated rates, incurring a loss of Rs 50 lakh. His first hearing in the special court in Imphal has been fixed for April 21.

Meanwhile, the Kangleipak Communist Party (Military Joint Commitee) has claimed responsibility for the grenade blast at the house of M Amuba, Medical Superintendent of RIMS, on April 10, for his alleged corrupt practices.

Two earlier blasts were claimed by another outfit. � IANS

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