GMC taking steps to improve garbage collection

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

GUWAHATI, Aug 18 - The Guwahati Municipal Corporation (GMC) plans to replace large roadside dustbins in various parts of the city soon. GMC, which is the apex body for maintaining civic facilities in Guwahati, will also accelerate the door-to-door collection of garbage.

A GMC official said the State government has already sanctioned Rs 5 crore for the project.

�As per central government guidelines, we have to collect wet and dry waste separately, which means segregation of waste should be done at the collection point. So we are aiming to accelerate the garbage collection drive. Before replacing the large dustbins, we will carry out mass awareness in the coming days,� GMC official Manjit Buzarbarua told The Assam Tribune.

Lack of proper maintenance of the large dustbins has been a serious issue affecting the public. In many places, GMC workers are irregular in extracting garbage from a dustbin, which pollutes the surrounding area and creates problems for pedestrians.

�Our main issue is lack of funds. Due to lack of adequate infrastructure, we are unable to clean all dustbins on time. Moreover, many dustbins were placed days ago and are now not in good condition. Along with the large dustbins, we will set up some small dustbins for emergency use,� Buzarbarua said.

The large dustbins will be replaced across Guwahati in a phased manner.

GMC has also entrusted 58 NGOs for door-to-door garbage collection. Now, both wet and dry waste is collected in the same garbage van. Sources said the National Green Tribunal (NGT) has been continuously pressurising GMC to implement a proper garbage management plan, and soon GMC will have to use different vans for wet and dry waste.

Again, as part of the waste management plan, GMC has set up a biomethanation plant in Chatribari area. Officials said the plant, where waste will be converted to electricity, will begin functioning next month.

GMC Commissioner Monalisa Goswami earlier informed a study is being conducted by a researcher from the Indian Institute of Technology-Kharagpur who will develop a method exclusively for the Boragaon dumping ground. A team has taken samples from the site and will hand over a project proposal to the GMC, probably within this year.

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