GUWAHATI, Oct 8 - A German firm, M/s Inrose Lackner, tasked with the work to prepare an ISDP (integrated strategic development plan) for modernising the State�s inland water transport sector, has prepared two modules. One of the modules relates to project feasibility and the other for Assam Transport Strategy 2035. The modules have been submitted to the Assam government.
Another consultant, M/s Arkitechno, has completed screening and scoping stage of environmental and social impact assessment of the project.
The consultants were engaged by the State government for the Assam Inland Water Transport Project to be funded by the World Bank.
The components of the US $150 million project include development of a long term strategic plan for IWT in Assam and institutional and capacity building. Improvement in ferry services and procurement of various goods such as navigation equipment, vessels and crafts, construction of terminals, setting up systems for project implementation, logistics, etc., are other components of the project.
�The World Bank has started preparation of the proposed project and preparatory works has been commenced. The Assam Inland Water Development Society (AIWTD Society), a registered society, was formed as an apex autonomous body under the transport department of the Government of Assam for managing, coordinating and monitoring the proposed project,� official sources said.
The findings and recommendations on the ISDP and screening and scoping studies of environmental and social impact assessment were today made known to a wide range of stakeholders to seek their feedback with a view to validating major findings of the study.
Representatives from various government departments such as GMC, GMDA, Brahmaputra Board, Pollution Control Board, ASTEC, ARIAS, ASTC, Agriculture Marketing Board, academic institutes such as IIT Guwahati, Gauhati University, TISS Guwahati, OKD, Guwahati College, various NGOs such as Aaranyak, Corbie along with direct beneficiaries such as passengers and boat owners and operators association participated in the workshop.
The overall purpose of the study is to inform the stakeholders about the Assam Inland Waterways Transport Project by providing recommendations focusing on infrastructure and service improvement to support a more inclusive inland waterway transport system, also emphasising on the environment and social impact assessment.