Flood hits 90 villages in Majuli

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

JORHAT, July 14 - The number of villages submerged under flood water in Majuli island rose to 90 today from 77 on Saturday while the ferry services between Majuli and Jorhat remained suspended for the sixth day.

A district administration official told this newspaper that ferry services between Majuli-Jorhat and vice-versa remained suspended for the sixth day due to the water level of the Brahmaputra still remaining high and with strong currents.

The official stated that about 70 people of Majuli stranded at Nimatighat (Jorhat) since past few days due to suspension of ferry services, were brought to Majuli by two ASTC buses arranged by the district administration via Bogibeel bridge connecting Dibrugarh and Dhemaji districts.

On Saturday, over 100 people stranded at Nimatighat were brought to the island by three ASTC buses through the same route.

Population affected by floods in Majuli increased to 78,547 today from 66,128 on Saturday while the crop area under water expanded to 2367 hectares from 2212 hectares on Saturday.

The official informed that that with two more relief camps opened today by the district administration the number of camps went up to five.

The number of relief materials distribution centres across the flood-hit areas of the island today was reduced to 29 from 69 yesterday as the administration made arrangements to distribute relief to the people in the affected villages.

The water level of the Brahmaputra and Subansiri rivers was flowing above the danger level and the trend was stated to be rising, the official stated.

Meanwhile, the number of villages submerged due to floods under four revenue circles of Jorhat district stood at 77 .

A Jorhat district administration official stated that the population affected by floods rose to 47,690 from 24,896 on Saturday.

The official said that two deaths due to floods were reported from Teok and Jorhat West Revenue Circles on Saturday. Saniya Tahu of Number 2 Kawoimari Bonoria Mising village under Teok Revenue Circle and Sen Das of Belguri Chinaichuk village under Jorhat West Revenue Circle died due to floods.

The official informed that two relief camps were functioning under the Jorhat West Revenue Circle.

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