Dissident NPF MLAs meet Nagaland Governor

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

KOHIMA, Jan 17 � The 22 dissident legislators of Naga People�s Front (NPF) led by their new leader G Kaito Aye and two MPs Neiphiu Rio and Khekiho Zhimomi today called on Governor PB Acharya demanding immediate removal of the minority government led by Chief Minister T R Zeliang.

�The majority of the NPF legislators supporting the leadership of G Kaito Aye today called on the Governor along with the two MPs,� NPF spokesperson Imkong L Imchen said in a statement issued today.

�The 22 MLAs submitted a petition to the Governor and highlighted the fact that the Cabinet headed by Zeliang has lost the majority support and mandate of the NPF as well as the ruling DAN (Democratic Alliance of Nagaland) Legislature Parties,� he said.

On the proposal of the minority Cabinet which has decided to call for a special session of the Assembly, he said the Governor is not compelled to summon or prorogue the Assembly on the advice of the minority Cabinet as per Article 174 of the Constitution of India.

�Under the given circumstances the recommendation of such Council of Ministers is not sustainable to prevail over or guide and discharge of any of the Constitutional duty,� he said.

�We called for the immediate removal of the minority Chief Minister and installation of a popular government headed by G Kaito Aye as he enjoys the support of the majority of the MLAs of both NPF and DAN,� he said.

The dissident group also appealed to �all their colleagues supporting Zeliang to join hands with the majority as our doors are always open�. � PTI

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