Demo project on LED streetlighting at Dibrugarh

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

DIBRUGARH, June 20 � LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) are considered to be one of the most energy efficient lighting devices. There exists a huge potential of energy savings in street lighting in cities and towns. If energy efficient lamps are used in street lighting, a considerable amount of energy wastages can be avoided.

To promote energy efficiency in the sector, a demo project on energy efficient street lighting was taken up at Dibrugarh town under fund assistance received from Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Government of India, a statutory body under the Energy Conservation Act 2001.

About a 3 km road section from Phulbagan to the Deputy Commissioner�s office (along the Radha Nath Changkakoty Path and Mancotta Road) was selected where existing street lighting system was operating with 150W High Pressure Sodium Vapour (HPSV) Lamps and 85W CFLs.

As LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting is considered to be the most energy efficient lighting device, 50W LED luminaries were selected as replacement for the existing street light luminaries.

Total electrical load in the existing system was about 7.83 KW which has been reduced to 3.5 KW after replacing with LED lights, saving more than 50 per cent of street light load.

The demo project is implemented by the Chief Electrical Inspector -cum- Adviser, Government of Assam who is also the State designated agency under the Energy Conservation Act 2001 for the State of Assam.

Another demo project on LED lighting is being taken up at Guwahati covering the MG Road from Bharalumukh to the Panbazar water tank, where existing 250 W HPSV lamps will be replaced with 100W LED lamps.

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