Demand to accord ST status to Kalita caste

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

NEW DELHI, March 7 - Even as the Centre is still considering the demand for according Schedule Tribe status to the six communities in Assam comes a demand from BJP MP Ramen Deka to accord tribal Status to the Kalita community of Assam.

Moving a notice under Rule 377 in the Lok Sabha today, Deka said the Kalita caste is an ethnic group of Hindus belonging to Assam. �Kalitas are original inhabitants of Assam with own culture and language. They played an active role in developing Assamese community socially and culturally,� he said.

�Due to demographic changes and other social pressure, Kalitas are about to lose their identity. In view of this I urge the government to accord tribal status to Kalita community,� Deka said.

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