Concern over filth sorrounding Basistha temple

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

GUWAHATI, Feb 26 - Expressing resentment at the squalor surrounding Basistha temple, an important pilgrim spot in the capital city, Abhijatri, a city-based women�s welfare organisation, has urged the GMC, GMDA and other authorities concerned to take urgent steps for the development of the area.

Located on the bank of the Basistha river, this temple has been attracting a lot of devotees from across the country due to its historical and mythological charm. However, the scenic beauty of the area, which is also a major factor for attracting people, is fading due to the alleged lack of attention to keep the area clean.

Abhijatri had initiated a project in 2011 for the development and beautification of the area and had undertaken several cleanliness drives and awareness campaigns to restore the original appeal of the area.

�Last year, the Government came forward for beautification and development of the area and took over from us. But when we visited the area recently, we found nothing has been done for the development of the area. In fact the surroundings have become more filthy,� said Kalpana Borah, secretary of Abhijatri.

Borah said that it was simply pathetic to see garbage piling up in the area and the rivulet being used as a dumping ground.

�The Basistha temple and the surrounding areas, including the Basistha rivulet, have deteriorated with all the garbage being littered by picnic parties and visitors. Local people use the rivulet to wash dirty clothes, take bath and throw other wastes. Dirty water and waste also flow into the rivulet from outlets in neighbouring houses,� added Borah, insisting that the authorities should undertake steps to clean up the area.

Abhijatri has suggested that measures should be taken to stop the flow of waste into the river from the outlets of neighbouring houses, restrict picnics, arrange supply of pure drinking water and uninterrupted power, and install sufficient number of dustbins. The organisation has also called for a halt to all illegal and immoral activities in and around the area. The boundary area of the temple should be demarcated without any delay, it added.

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