Common palm civet�s carcass recovered

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

MIRZA, May 29 � A team of Man & Wild, an NGO, rescued two kids of rare common palm civet or Toddy cat (Paradoxurus hermaphrodites) on May 26 from a wooded jungle near Dhingorbori-Borijani village near Dadara in Kamrup district. The team was conducting a bird survey in the area.

The team has also recovered a carcass of the common palm civet near the kids. The team immediately contacted the Conservator of Forests, Central Assam Circle, Guwahati, Utpal Bora and asked him to hand over the kids to the Assam State Zoo for rehabilitation. Accordingly, a team of forest staff, led by Ali Hussain, rushed to the site and took possession of the kids. The forest team later handed over the kids to the zoo authority in Guwahati.

Talking to this correspondent over telephone, Chandan Bora, Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Assam State Zoo, said that the kids were given proper treatment by a team of doctors at the zoo itself.

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