College of Fisheries, Raha celebrates annual day

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

RAHA, Dec 6 - The College of Fisheries, Assam Agricultural University (AAU), Raha recently celebrated its 30th annual day function with a three-day-long programme on the college premises.

The proceedings of the programme began with the lighting of lamp followed by a chorus, felicitation of guests and presentation of various cultural items.

Dr Binod Kalita, professor and head of the department of aquaculture of College of Fisheries, Raha, presented the welcome address, which was followed by presentation of annual report by Koustov Moni Patra, general secretary, College of Fisheries Students� Union (COFSU).

The annual report included exemplary academic performance of students and the participation of faculty members in various seminars, workshops and conferences.

Dr KM Bujarbaruah was the chief guest on the occasion. In his address, he stressed the role of productive teachers in shaping the personality of young students in the desired directions. He lauded the performance of students of the college and encouraged them to work hard so as to excel both in academic and extracurricular activities. He gave away the prizes to the students.

Dr Bibeka Nanda Saikia, faculty of veterinary science, AAU, was the guest of honour on the occasion. Saikia lauded the efforts put in by the teachers of the College of Fisheries for providing quality education to the students.

Samir Bordoloi, an ecological farmer and the recipient of Pragati Puraskar, 2016, also delivered a speech on the occasion. He advised the students to draw inspiration and benefit themselves from the rich educational environment of the institution in order to attain excellence in their field.

Colourful cultural programmes, including Bihu, folk dance, group song, were presented by the students of the college on the occasion, which was highly applauded by the audience. Prizes and mementoes were also distributed among the outstanding students of the session. The 13th issue of the annual college magazine PISCINA was also released on the occasion by the chief guest and other dignitaries. The programme concluded with a vote of thanks presented by Raktim Sharma, vice president, COFSU, followed by the national anthem.

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