Centre�s proposal on common syllabus decried

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

GUWAHATI, May 7 � Expressing concern over the Union Government�s proposal to implement the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) textbooks all over the country to bring uniformity in the education system, a Nagarik Sabha convened today argued that this step would pose a threat to the individual and unique character of the State and its culture.

Participating in the discussion convened by a group of conscious citizens, noted author Dr Hiren Gohain said that even word-for-word translation of the textbooks prepared in New Delhi would not be able to reflect the specialties and unique characteristics of the local languages.

�The State Government should be questioned on its indifference on this matter, whereas many State governments are opposing this proposal of the Union Government,� he mentioned.

The meeting discussed the impact of translated textbooks on the students of regions like the Northeast and Assam in particular.

�Other than affecting the student community, this decision would also hit hard the book publishers, writers, and booksellers of the State. The economic impact of this decision also cannot be negated,� added Rani Gohain, one of the conveners of the meeting.

�There is a vast difference between a common curriculum and common syllabus for the whole country. The curriculum can also be revised keeping intact the regional character. The same cannot be assured in a common syllabus,� another speaker added.

Public activist Professor Deven Dutta, while speaking on the occasion, suggested that all the political parties of the State should be questioned about their role on this issue. The State Government is gradually surrendering the public sector institutions like education, health and transport to the private sector, which is not a healthy practice,� he added.

�The conscious and concerned citizens should plan to meet the State Education Minister and Chief Minister on this issue. A convention can also be planned to question all the political parties,� he further mentioned.

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