Call to expedite NDFB peace talks

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

GUWAHATI, July 21 - The Peoples� Democratic Movement for Bodoland (PDMB) has urged the Union Home Minister to take the initiative to expedite the peace talks with ceasefire groups of the NDFB and re-initiate tripartite talks with other Bodoland movement organisations for an amicable solution to the Bodoland issue.

In a memorandum to the Home Minister, the PDMB said all agitating groups have now come forward for talks and the government should show its willingness to resolve the issue. �We hope that once the political dialogue starts in a meaningful way, the NDFB (S) which has recently become a member of the United National Liberation Front of Western South East Asia (UNLFW) will also join the peace process,� said the PDMB, insisting that Chapter X of the Assam Land and Revenue Regulation Act, 1886, be enforced in true spirit with inclusion of this Act in the Ninth Schedule to clear the tribal belts and blocks from encroachment.

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