Barpathar forest on the verge of extinction

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

KAMPUR, Oct 17 � At a time when forestry is being given topmost priority in order to maintain ecological balance for the survival of living beings, including the human race, Barpathar reserve forest, one of the oldest forest reserves in southern Nagaon and home to elephants, tigers and different kinds of rare birds, is now fast declining due to wanton destruction of the reserve forest for construction of human dwellings and for fuels etc due to the negligence of the concerned authority.

The size of the erstwhile thick jungle has now dwindled to a great extent and it is feared that in the days to come the forest land will be completely disappeared. The Forest Department has failed miserably to check the unabated encroachers of the forest land.

Recently, an NGO engaged itself in improving the dilapidated condition of the reserve forest. But the NGO did more harm than good and could not retrieve the reserve forest from the danger of destruction.

A delegation consisting of the leading vitizens of Baithalangso and Barpathar area met the Deputy Commissioner of Nagaon and requested the DC to enquire about squandering away of large sum of money by the NGO. It is reliably learnt that enquiry into the matter has already been initiated.

The entire populace of Dakshin Nagaon, including Kampur, Baithalangso and western Karbi Anglong feel that Barpathar reserve forest should immediately be restored to its former glory.

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