�Barak Valley should be declared a UT�

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

GUWAHATI, July 22 - Senior journalist DN Chakravartty has pitched for early separation of the three Bengali-speaking districts of Barak Valley from the mainland Assam �to allow the Bengali people to live a comfortable life according to their own volition�.

Reacting to the demand raised in the Assam Assembly by two Barak Valley legislators for declaring two persons killed in the Language Movement as martyrs, Chakravartty said that separation of Barak Valley from the Brahmaputra Valley was the only way to bring to an end the long-drawn enmity between the people of the two valleys�.

He suggested that Barak Valley should be declared a Union Territory thus putting to an end the long standing discord. Chakravartty said that the alignment of the three economically backward districts of Barak Valley with the rich Brahmaputra Valley has caused endless enmity and avoidable financial wastage for the economically resourceful Brahmaputra Valley.

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