Assam Police likely to get NSG training

Update: 2010-09-15 00:00 GMT

GUWAHATI, Feb 9 - The Assam Police personnel may soon start receiving specialized training on handling of explosives and counter-terrorism operations from the elite National Security Guard (NSG) as senior officers of the force have already accepted such a proposal from the police. However, the details are yet to be worked out. Meanwhile, the possibility of �lone wolf� attacks by members of jehadi groups has become a major threat not only for India but for the entire world.

Talking to The Assam Tribune, Special Director General of Police, Law and Order, Kula Saikia, who attended an international seminar on explosives and terrorism in the NSG headquarter, which concluded today, said that during the seminar, he had talks with the senior officers of the NSG about the possibility of providing specialized training to the Assam Police personnel on handling of explosives and counter terrorism operations. He said that the NSG officials accepted the proposal on principle and the details will have to be worked out.

Saikia said that as per the discussions, Assam Police personnel can be sent to the NSG training hubs at its headquarters or in the Kolkata hub for training. The NSG can also send a team of trainers to Assam to impart specialized training to the Assam Police personnel.

The two-day seminar, which was attended by delegates from different countries of the world including United States of America, UK, Australia, France etc besides senior officers from the State Police forces, Army and other forces, discussed the frequent use of explosives by the terrorists and the new explosives used to trigger off explosions. The seminar had detailed discussion on the methods used by the terrorists to detonate the bombs including digital methods, mobile phones etc and tried to evolve ways to prevent such explosions.

The participants pointed out that the terrorists, particularly the jehadi groups, are using the social media to indoctrinate people and discussed ways to thwart such a move by keeping watch on the social media posts. In many parts, the terrorists are also getting involved in organized crimes including fake currency note dealings, drug trafficking etc, which added new dimension to terrorism.

The threat from the jehadi elements has become a global phenomenon and a new trend of jehadi attacks has emerged, which is of serious concern. It was observed in the seminar that instead of involvement of large groups for attacks, the �lone wolf� attacks have become more common, which is a dangerous trend as it is difficult to prevent such attacks.

Saikia said that in the North East, the militants are mostly using ammonium nitrate, which is openly available, to prepare explosives, while, the possibility of pilferage of explosives from the stone quarries also cannot be ruled out. He said that steps must be taken to check such pilferage.

An exhibition of the new equipment available to deal with terrorism, detection of bombs etc was also organized along with the seminar.

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