Weekly Horoscope: (September 12- 18, 2022): Know your luck for this week

Update: 2022-09-11 09:46 GMT
Weekly Horoscope: (September 12- 18, 2022): Know your luck for this week
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Guwahati, Sep 11: What your luck looks like this week (September 12- 18, 2022)? Check out for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

ARIES (MAR 21 – APR 19): On Monday and Tuesday, your enthusiasm at the workplace is contagious. During this period, your loved ones will support you in times of need. You will put your focus on gratitude; it's best to stay grounded. This weekend, live in the present.

TAURUS (APR 20 – MAY 20): From Monday through Wednesday, keep your cool, use the grounding technique, and you will overcome a challenging situation with ease. You will have a productive period at work. Be empathetic towards others. Spend the weekend in the company of your loved ones.

GEMINI (MAY 21 – JUN 20): From Monday to Wednesday, take time to introspect and find the truth. Trust your instincts. Be mindful of your words, especially on Thursday and Friday. Spend the weekend in the company of like-minded friends. You've also got some financial points to ponder.

CANCER (JUN 21 – JUL 22): On Monday and Tuesday, listen intently to others at the workplace and reflect upon your actions. Direct communication is the key. You will ooze self-confidence and positivity. Your domestic life is in a state of bliss. This weekend, eat healthy.

LEO (JUL 23 – AUG 22): From Monday to Wednesday, your honesty and integrity shown at work will pay off. Remember to follow your heart. Midweek, it is important to challenge your everyday routine and adopt flexible thinking. This weekend, avoid making impulsive decisions.

VIRGO (AUG 23 – SEPT 22): This will be a good period to tap into your creative energy. You will do well at work. A positive change in your daily routine can lead you to wellness. Midweek, you will be genuinely curious about an old friend. This weekend, let it go.

LIBRA (SEPT 23 – OCT 22): At the beginning of this week, focus on your work-life balance. You can always learn from the past, however, stop dwelling upon it. If you are in a serious relationship, you may take the next step in it. This weekend, declutter your mind and take steps to reduce multitasking at work.

SCORPIO (OCT 23 – NOV 21): This week, thinking outside the box may fetch you successful results. On Monday and Tuesday, boost your self-confidence. Act proactively at work. On Wednesday and Thursday, your domestic life will be in a state of bliss. This weekend, let go of the past.

SAGITTARIUS ( NOV 22 – DEC 21): At the beginning of this week, focus on the simple ways to save money. Curb your overspending habits. You will do well at work. From Wednesday to Friday, confiding in your dear ones helps. This weekend, organise your feelings and thoughts.

CAPRICORN (DEC 22 – JAN 19): On Monday and Tuesday, your hard work will pay off. Even small contributions can make a huge difference! On Wednesday and Thursday, learn to focus on the good things in life. This weekend, unwind with your family.

AQUARIUS (JAN 20 – FEB 18): This period will see you more successful than your peers. You know the importance of asking questions. From Wednesday through Friday, your exuberant personality will inspire others at work. This weekend, your dreams feel so real!

PISCES (FEB 19 – MAR 20): From Monday through Wednesday, you show good leadership skills. On Thursday and Friday, your driving ambition at work will keep you motivated. Nurture yourself through exercise. This weekend, make a plan to overcome new challenges.

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