Weekly Horoscope: (November 14- 20, 2022): Know your luck for this week

Guwahati, Nov 13: What your luck looks like this week (November 14- 20, 2022)? Check out for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
Aries: Be prepared to face a meaningful change in life. As the week progresses, tap into your creative skills at work to enhance your knowledge. From Thursday onwards, you will socialise more with your family. This weekend, relax.
Taurus: You are willing to step out of your safe haven at work and that works wonders for you. From Wednesday onwards, your hard work pays off. Cultivating patience is the key. This weekend will bring you clarity in a long-term relationship.
Gemini: From Monday to Thursday, creating a financial plan will be helpful. Career-wise, this will be a good week. On Friday, focus on starting your wellness routine. This weekend will bring you the message you've been waiting for.
Cancer: This will be a good period to improve your work-life harmony. Patience is the key. Midweek onwards, you shall socialise more with your well-wishers. Spend this weekend with your friends.
Leo: You are full of creative energy at work. Trust your intuition and learn to spend your money wisely. On Thursday and Friday, take care of your health and well-being. This weekend, travelling is on the cards.
Virgo: Accept a challenge and tap into your subconscious mind. This will be a good time to think outside the box for a project. Take steps to reconnect with an old friend on Thursday and Friday. This weekend, socialising is on the cards.
Libra: As the week begins, let go of an emotional baggage. Trust your instincts. Midweek onwards, effective communication is the key. Keep your cool. This weekend, take care of your health.
Scorpio: This week, break down a goal into smaller steps to be taken. You will have a productive work period. Be careful with your money. Midweek, your friends may come to the rescue. Spend this weekend in the company of your family.
Sagittarius: From Monday to Wednesday, considering the bigger picture will be helpful. This week will bring you financial gains. Effective communication with a loved one is the key. This weekend, it's time to release the past.
Capricorn: This week, your perspective of a stumbling block will matter more than ever. Midweek onwards, prioritise a self-care routine. Spend time with like-minded friends. This weekend, focus on your finances.
Aquarius: You will have a good work week. Midweek onwards, think of a self-care routine that works best for you.Let go of the past and take care of your health. Spend this weekend in the company of good friends.
Pisces: This week, a great collaborative project may take place at work. Make the best use of it. Midweek onwards, love is in the air. This weekend, spending time in Nature will help.