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World Bank to finance Huang He study

By Staff Reporter

GUWAHATI, July 22 - The World Bank will bear the entire expenses for the tour of an expert committee to China to study the management of Huang He River. Moreover, the World Bank will also extend technical expertise, know-how and fund to the Government of Assam to control flood and erosion by the Brahmaputra.

This was decided at a meeting between a World Bank delegation with Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal at his office chamber at the Assam Legislative Assembly here today.

The delegation told the Chief Minister that taming a river like Brahmaputra poses a great challenge. �Brahmaputra River cannot be compared to any other river and efforts will be made by the World Bank to bolster the anti-erosion measures initiated by the government with technical expertise and know-how to turn it into that of immense resources,� the delegation said.

Acknowledging the fact that controlling Brahmaputra River is a Herculean task, Sonowal said the State government has accorded priority to solving the problems of flood and erosion and help from the World Bank would give the much-needed impetus. Pointing out to the tremendous water resources potential of the State, the Chief Minister said, �The State government wants to make the economic edifice strong, vibrant and resilient by controlling the Brahmaputra.�

�The State government wants to change the negative perception of scores of affected people towards the Brahmaputra River, which constitutes the lifeline of the State and turn it into that of happiness and prosperity by according top priority to the problems of flood and erosion,� he said.

The Chief Minister also pointed out that besides building the economic foundation of the State on the vast resources of the Brahmaputra and Barak rivers, the State government has also accorded priority towards strengthening the Inland Water Transport system.

The Government of Assam has submitted a comprehensive Assam Flood Erosion and River Management Modernisation Project to the tune of Rs 1,500 crore to the Central government. The Centre has made an in-depth evaluation of the project and handed it over to the World Bank for necessary sanction.

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