Chandigarh, Jan 29: Actor-turned-activist Deep Sidhu, who has been booked in connection with the religious flag incident at Red Fort, has said he needs some time to bring out the truth and will then join the investigation.
The 36-year-old Sidhu is in the eye of a storm for being among the protesters who put up a religious flag atop the Red Fort on Republic Day.
“Arrest warrant has been issued against me and also a lookout notice has been issued against me. First I want to give this message that I will join the investigation,” Sidhu said in a video uploaded on Facebook. He said he needed some time to bring out the truth.
Because whatever has been spread, it is false information and it is misleading the public at large. Therefore, I need a couple of days to bring out the truth and then I will join the investigation, said Sidhu.
“I am requesting the investigation agencies ... I have not done anything wrong then why should I run away and why should I be scared. I am not scared. I have done nothing wrong and that will come out,” he said. He told the investigation agencies and the police department that he will come to them in two days.
The kind of rumours being spread is not based on facts. I need two days to bring out the truth based on the facts and I will collect all the evidence and proof, he stated.
The Delhi Police had named Sidhu in an FIR lodged in connection with the Red Fort incident.
Sidhu was present at the Red Fort when a religious flag and a farmer flag were put at the flagpole at the historic monument, triggering massive outrage. Sidhu had been accused by farm bodies of trying to defame their agitation and termed a “traitor”. – PTI