GOLAKGANJ, June 13 � The Brahmaputra is in a spate at the Dhubri Revenue Circle due to incessant rainfall. Several villages have been flooded so far. The affected villages are Alomganj, North Geramari, Boraibari, Asharikandi, Madaikhali, South Geramari, Chapgar, Charaldanga, Beguntooli, Dharmasala, Howrarpar, Motirchar, Binnachar, Ghewmari, Durahati and a part of Dhubri town.
The flood situation continues to be grim, forcing the people to leave their homes and take shelter on highland. Floodwaters have inundated large areas of paddy fields, destroying the standing crops. The situation has worsened in the South Salmara-Mankachar subdivision, where the Brahmaputra and its tributaries like the Fakirganj, Nisinpur, South Salmara and Tumni are flowing above the danger mark, sources said.