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Tiger conservation authority seeks report


GUWAHATI, March 4 � The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) on Tuesday sought factual status from the Assam Forest department on the issue of power fencing around the Kaziranga National Park (KNP) and Tiger Reserve.

Acting on a complaint lodged by RTI-cum-environment activist Rohit Choudhury alleging that he has not been supplied the information concerning power fencing in the National Park, the NTCA today asked the Chief Wildlife Warden of the State Government to �furnish the factual status/details for further processing in the matter.�

Chouhdury has also lodged a complaint with the Chief Secretary of the State alleging denial of information under the RTI Act on power in KNP and Tiger Reserve.

Choudhury told this newspaper that at a time when rhino poaching is at all time high in KNP and Tiger Reserve, the stony silence of the Assam Forest department on the motive and financial transaction of power fencing in the park raises many questions.

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