Dinesh Lahoti, Founder, Edugenie, [email protected]
This section will carry everything related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM).
STEM education
From hunters to agriculture to the Industrial Revolution, human civilisation has already witnessed a paradigm shift in lifestyles. In the current phase of ‘technological revolution’, innovations have become a part of everyday life for humans. Take for example – your mobile phones. Even though your current mobile phone has all the features you would ever need, mobile phone companies keep coming up with their new versions and tempt us to buy them. While these kinds of inventions have had an enormous impact on our society, there are plenty of advancements yet to be made. However, we cannot aim to achieve the same without bringing in development and innovation to the education sector. Moreover, it is estimated that two-thirds of our children today will work in jobs that don’t currently exist. To survive in such a dynamic age, it is required to consciously develop new-age skills.
Traditional education fails to deliver an environment to develop these skills as it focusses more on rote learning, missing out on inculcating the right mindset. STEM education, which is an integrated approach to learn science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, offers a solution to such problems. It addresses the concern that these disciplines or subjects are often taught in isolation while the fact is that they are all intertwined. It is a cohesive inter-disciplinary approach based on hands-on learning.
STEM encourages kids to experiment, make mistakes and learn from their own experiences to reach correct outcomes, rather than relying on what the textbook says. STEM education promises to prepare our children for the future by making them more observant towards their surroundings, needing them to analyse situations, and creatively involve in the problem-solving process. Critical thinking, logical analysis, inquiry, and project-based learning are keystones in STEM education. It boosts curiosity, making learning fun, relevant, and everlasting.