AGARTALA, June 11 � The second border haat (market) of Tripura at Kamalasagar in Sipahijala district, bordering Brahmanbaria district of Bangladesh, was today opened for people.
It was jointly inaugurated by video-conferencing from Dhaka on June 6 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bangladesh counterpart Sheikh Hasina.
The common border market of the two neighbours, Kamalasagar-Tarapur Simanta Haat, was made operational following a brief cultural function and chanting of the national anthem of both the countries.
Villagers from both the countries sold and bought local products.
Altogether, four border haats would be operational in Tripura, Shyamal Dev, Senior Manager of Tripura Industrial Development Corporation, which is the nodal agency for setting up border haat, said.
The cost of construction of the Kamalasagar haat was Rs 2.44 crore which would be borne by the Indian Ministry of Commerce.
Business in the market (haat) would take place once a week among the people living within 5 km radius of the border who would sell and buy locally produced goods and crops.
No local taxes would be imposed on the items to be sold in the haats and currencies of both the countries would prevail.
Initially 16 items were shortlisted which include agricultural and horticultural crops, spices, minor forest products excluding timber, fish and dry fish, dairy and poultry products, cottage industry items, wooden furniture, handloom and handicraft items, etc, Dev said. � PTI