NEW DELHI, July 22 - The Centre has released Rs 28.70 crore of the earmarked Rs 176.75 crore under the Mission Organic Value Chain Development for the Northeastern region.
The Mission has been launched with an aim to develop certified organic produce in a value chain mode to link growers with consumers to support the development of entire value chain starting from inputs, seeds, certification, to create facilities for collection, aggregation, processing, marketing and brand building initiatives, official sources said.
Under the scheme, 30-50 thousand farmers of NE region would be empowered through creation of about 100 farmer-producer organisations and equip such companies with full value chain under their ownership.
During 2015-16, against the budget allocation of Rs 158.87 crore, fund release was Rs 112.11 crore. During 2016-17, against the budget allocation of Rs 176.75 crore, fund release is Rs 28.70 crore.