Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh), Feb 17: A red trolley bag containing Rs 1.4 crore was found in the Swatantrata Sangram Senani Special train that was on its way to Jayanagar in Bihar from Delhi.
The bag was found lying in the pantry car and when it reached Kanpur on Monday night, the pantry staff reported the matter to the GRP that took down the bag.
On opening the bag, it was found packed with currency notes. The matter was kept as "a closely guarded secret as counting of notes was carried out" -- it was completed on Tuesday night after which the Income Tax authorities were informed.
The pantry staff was not aware of who left the bag there.
A senior railway official said that no one has claimed the bag till now.
"The train proceeded on its onward journey but no report about the missing bag has been lodged in any of the stations along the route. It is now up to other authorities to trace the owner of the money," said the official. - IANS