DHUBRI, Jan 21 - In the Special Summary Revision of all the three Assembly constituencies under the Dhubri Sadar Subdivision, names of as many as 8,136 doubtful voters have been included in the finally published electoral rolls.
As per the Special Summary Revision published on Friday, out of these 8,136 doubtful voters 2410 belong to Dhubri LAC, 2771 are in Gauripur LAC and 2955 in Golakganj LAC. The summary also points out that out of all these D-Voters, 65 people have been detected as foreigners and their names have been deleted. Out of these, 65, 18 are males and 47 are females.
Under Dhubri LAC, four people were detected as foreigners out of which three are females and one male while in Gauripur, out of 24 such foreigners, seven are males and 17 females. Moreover, under Golakganj LAC out of 37 detected foreigners, 27 are females and 10 are males.
However, the published electoral roll also says that names of as many as 4,059 people have been deleted from the electoral rolls. While addressing a press conference, the Election Officer, Dhubri, Bistirna Barua said, �The deletion list no doubt includes the names of the foreigners but other names are also included, such as names of people who have died or who have transferred their names from their present LAC to other�. He also said that not all the D-Voters could be termed as foreigners as many names are included because of insufficient documents and their cases are pending in the court.
Meanwhile, the revision also summaries the inclusion of 24,790 new names in the list out of which 12,900 are females and 11,890 are males in the all three constituencies.
It also records a growth of 3.91% new voters in the constituencies, which is an increment of 20,666 number of voters. 4.40% growth in Dhubri, 3.88% in Gauripur and 3.47% in Golakganj constituency have been recorded. As per the Final Electoral Roll published on Friday, number of electors in these three constituencies are 5,48,850 out of which 1,79,733 are in Dhubri, 1,86,007 in Gauripur and 1,83,110 are in Golakganj constituency.
The Election Officer also said that the utmost care has been taken so that an error- free electoral roll can be prepared. He also said, �The final list will be available for the common people within the end of this month.�